Sonya Vajifdar Creations: Couture with an Upcycled Twist

Sonya Vajifdar Creations: Couture with an Upcycled Twist

**Images in this post were used with permission from Sonya Vajifdar Creations**

It's undeniable that Sonya Vajifdar's fashion line is glamour at its core from the sleek formal gowns to the unique dramatic tops.  Yet what makes it extraordinary is the incorporation of sustainability in the collection.

It's all in the details.  Butterfly embroidery made from recycled aluminum cans.

It's all in the details.  Butterfly embroidery made from recycled aluminum cans.

So what makes Sonya Vajifdar's collection sustainable?  First of all, embellishments come from recycled materials such as aluminum cans and x-ray screens. It's obvious that meticulous care was taken to make these materials look couture. I find it fascinating when someone transforms an object into something completely different like when an artist turns paint into a portrait or a chef making a delicious dish from individual ingredients. But when recycled products are transformed into something completely unrecognizable and exquisite, it's amazing.

Lush color!  Embellishments were made with x-ray screens.

Lush color!  Embellishments were made with x-ray screens.


Also, fabric is naturally dyed and Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) certified. This certification ensures that processes are eco-friendly, sustainable and prevents pollution from toxic chemicals.  

The fabric is beautiful!  I love the lush color in this collection! 

What inspired Sonya Vajifdar to incorporate sustainable methods and recycled materials to her designs? 

 "Actually I started practicing Nichiren Buddhism a few years ago which helped me become more aware of myself and my surroundings. It helped me realized the law of cause and effect. I wanted to push myself to be satisfied at the end of my day at work as well so decided to shift my brand from pure to sustainable. From using materials such as plastic and only pure fabrics, I now only use fabrics which are organic or recycled."


Sonya Vajifdar Creations is proud to be part of the  "Know Your Source" Campaign which a sustainable fashion movement that challenges consumers to ask questions about how their clothes were made.  This hopes to bring more attention to fair trade issues and the environmentally damaging effects of producing clothes in the fashion industry.

Essentially, Sonya Vajifdar's Creations are sustainably couture.  It's simultaneously eco-friendly and beautiful!

Check out Sonya Vajifdar's collection here.  

What do you think of these designs?  Let us know in the comments.

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